Sunday, June 23, 2019

Awesome Motivational Post

1. "I can not" - How many times have you tried to make sure that you can not?
2. Assured to you that "not possible by me" is that
     Not possible by you?
3. "All is finished" -  Where did you start to see
     You say?
4. "There is a lot of time left" - There is no clock cut
     Time gone?
5. "I do not have any helpers" - Everyone is about to take care of themselves
     Busy, who has the time to help you?
6. "I'm in a lot of trouble" - Tell the name of a person who is
     Said I have succeeded from the comfort of the!
7. "Need a lot of money" - money is born in hand
     Say a name! Own money earned in its own efforts
     It is to be taken - the next money can be helpful, but it can be grown
8. "My appearance is bad" - If it does not look bigger -
     Where did you get such assurance?
9. "My forehead is bad" - saw any mirror? There
     Have you read what is written on the forehead?
10. "I'm Feeling Frustrated" - How many times are you out of frustration
     He himself has said himself to himself
  "Why this is so!"
    Why did not you ever do everything in your mind?
    Thinking? If you think this is also sure to understand
    You have to build yourself again in your own hands - new ones
    By the way - in a new way.
    Then start from the beginning again.
    Correct past mistakes in the past !!!
    Let's get started, new way

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